Don Knotts – remember him?

Don Knotts will forever be remembered for his legendary roles as Deputy Sheriff Barney Fife on The Andy Griffith Show and as landlord ‘Ralph Furley’ from the late 1970’s television series Three’s Company. The late comedy legend was truly one of the greats and a genuine gift of comedy for all to remember – he … Read more

The Heartwarming Truth About Grandmothers

It’s often said that grandmothers hold a special place in our hearts. They shower their love and affection on their grandkids with unparalleled dedication. Unlike parents who have everyday responsibilities, grandmas can solely focus on their profound love for their grandchildren. A heartwarming video featuring a young boy, dressed in an adorable martial arts outfit, … Read more

Angelina Jolie accuses Brad Pitt of physical abuse that “started well before” infamous plane incident

At one point in time they were the IT couple of Hollywood, a pairing with enough collective star quality to outshine even the brightest of lights. Sadly, the union between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie was ultimately destined for disaster, and these days any headlines happening to mention them both in the same breath are … Read more

Dennis Quaid reveals faith saved him from a life of addiction: ‘I’m grateful to be alive really every day’

When life throws challenges at us many rely on faith to guide us, and Dennis Quaid is no different. “I’m grateful to still be here, I’m grateful to be alive really every day,” Quaid told People. “It’s important to really enjoy your ride in life as much as you can, because there’s a lot of … Read more

Inside Robin Williams’s final days: His wife who forgave him reveals a sad truth

It’s been more than seven years since Robin Williams’s tragic passing, but the larger-than-life comedian’s spirit and legacy carry on in our hearts. Williams’s death rocked the whole world; many believed that depression and drug abuse were behind his decision to end his life. But, in fact, it turns out there was something else entirely … Read more