Dog Wandered The Streets With His Head Stuck In A Plastic Box For Nearly A Year

Bear, a Cane Corso, wandered the streets of Mobile, Alabama, with his head stuck in a plastic box for nearly a year. His fear of humans made rescue attempts difficult, and his large size rendered traditional traps ineffective.

A Mission to Rescue Bear

Source: Mobile County Animal Shelter

Bear was frequently seen with a large plastic box on his head, likely the lid of a trash can he encountered while scavenging for food. It’s a miracle he survived so long with such an obstruction, impairing his ability to eat and drink properly.

One compassionate resident finally alerted authorities, prompting a massive rescue mission involving the City of Mobile Animal Services and the Mobile County Animal Shelter. The team managed to remove the boxfrom Bear’s head, but he fled before they could secure him with a leash.

Source: The City of Mobile Animal Services

Determined to save him, the rescuers organized another operation, eventually capturing Bear and bringing him to the shelter. “The staff absolutely LOVE him, and he is being treated like a king. He is very sweet and has a long, happy life ahead of him,” Martin Miller, one of the rescue volunteers, shared on social media.

Bear Has Been Adopted

Source: The City of Mobile Animal Services

The rescue mission garnered significant attention, and while Bear was initially on a stray hold, he quickly bonded with one of the volunteers. That volunteer decided to adopt him.

“Finding a good home for a dog that’s garnered this much publicity is always a big deal. There’s going to be a ton of people that want to take him home. In this case, we realized that one of the team members who spent so much time trying to get him off the streets was the best fit,” Robert Bryant, City of Mobile Animal Services Director, told WKRG.

Source: Martin Miller

Bear is now officially part of the Miller family and adores his new dad, Martin Miller. After being alone for so long, Bear will never be alone again. His new home is close to the shelter and the rescue community that invested so much time and effort into his rescue.

Bear has also become an ambassador for the City of Mobile Animal Services. He spends his days at the shelter promoting the adoption of stray animals with his new dad. His story has touched thousands, but Bear will now know only happiness.

Source: Martin Miller

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