Giant-Hearted Woman Stops Her Car To Save Two Puppies Running Out Of A Box

When TikTok user Rescuermg left work to grab some cookies for her colleagues, she never anticipated stumbling upon something much sweeter.

By the roadside, she noticed a deserted box, from which two puppies came dashing out. She immediately pulled over and got out to assist them.

Rescue Operation

Source: Tiktok

Upon exiting her car, the two adorable puppies eagerly approached her. Despite their initial hesitation, they couldn’t resist checking out this new person.

The rescuer picked up one puppy and gently placed him in her car. Before picking up the second one, she checked the box for more puppies. Finding only the two, she returned for the second pup, who was eagerly waiting to be reunited with her sibling.

At Home

The puppies were dirty, emaciated, and dehydrated, so their rescuer quickly sprang into action. She fed them and gave them a much-needed bath. She also administered dewormer and 5-way shots.

Source: Tiktok

Thanks to the medication, the two little girls are starting to regain their health and strength. In their warm and loving environment, it didn’t take long for their playful personalities to emerge.

Forever Home

During their final vet visit, the dogs, now named Blondie and Brownie, were full of excitement. Their cuteness has already secured them forever homes. The last step is obtaining a health certificate to cross state lines.

Blondie and Brownie have been adopted separately, so the sisters are spending as much time together as possible before parting ways. I wish them all the best in their new lives, hoping they receive all the love and adoration they deserve.

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